I practise astrology because it literally stopped me from feeling like I was losing my mind.
About 15 years ago, I had a major identity crisis.
I had just come out of a super challenging time in my life and I was trying to find my feet with very little external support. To be honest, my life was a chaotic disaster.
I was able to hold it together enough to keep down a job and maintain a few friendships…
But my dream life was… intense.
And my emotions (and thought loops) were confusing AF.
I was supposed to be the golden child. The high achiever.
I had a vision for myself, but most of it felt so out of reach.
Why couldn’t I do the things I said I wanted to do?
I felt like a walking paradox, and I was close to breaking point.
Synchronicities were happening all around me, but I had no idea what to make of it all.
I wanted to understand what was going on in my psyche, but I didn’t feel like I could reach out for help. I was afraid that people would think I had gone off the deep end.
Wrangling with my wild mind, I read every book on dreams I could get my hands on.
And then to satisfy my younger self (who was always a bit of a witch), I started to explore divination and the healing arts.
I Ching.
All the things.
Ultimately, all roads led to Jung.
Then to astrology…
And suddenly, there it was.
My mythic blueprint.
Here were my gifts, my challenges, and my opportunities.
My pain. My glory.
All laid out for me.
I remember feeling a huge sense of relief.
And validation.
Some people think that astrology takes away your free will.
But for me, it was a permission slip to be me. In all my paradoxical, quirky magnificence.
This is what got me started on my astrological journey.
But the truth is, I wasn't able to reach the level of understanding I have now on my own.
Over the last 15 years or so, I've been so fortunate to find incredible teachers and professional readers who helped me to understand myself and my chart.
Now it’s my absolute honour to be able to take people along the cosmic path to deeper self-knowledge.
To find grace in the chaos and uncertainty of everyday life.
In the past few years, I've also made active efforts to make my readings as trauma-informed as possible. Because while astrology is the map, we are the territory. And a lot of us are really hurting.
These days, I have a view of myself and the world that is (on the whole) much more compassionate and centred.
And you know what… I have been holding astrology more lightly, too. But she’s there like a comforting friend when I’ve needed some way to make sense of things.
Especially in the past few years.
Astrology, this mythic alchemy, can offer inspiring, life-affirming, empowering reframes that allow us to come to terms with chaos.
And if there was ever a time that this type of medicine was needed, perhaps it's now.
Please note: Astrology is an excellent complimentary soul medicine, rather than a replacement for other essential therapy.